Welcome to the Greek OHS Help Desk !

Support of Greek enterprises in Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) matters and in the effective use of OiRA tools.

You are in the OHS Help Desk website, developed by the Greek Ministry of Labour and Social Matters, Direction of Occupational Health and Safety. The mission of the OHS Help Desk is to provide the Greek very small and small-medium enterprises with useful information and continuous support both for general OHS matters and for the use of the online OiRA Tools. The ultimate aim of the OHS Help Desk is to support the Greek enterprises in the cost-free development of their Occupational Risk Assessment Report.

This website provides:

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) and instructions about general OHS matters and the effective use of the OiRA Tools

Useful Links for quick access to formal and accredited information about OHS issues and the OiRA Tools

Form of Communication with the OHS Help Desk . You can easily fill and submit the Communication Form whenever you want to contact the Help Desk OHS for any inquiry you may have on OHS matters or on the use of OiRA Tools. The Help Desk OHS specialists will reply electronically the soonest and will provide you reliably and effectively with the support you need.

OHS Risk Assessment

According to the Greek Legislation (L. 3850/2010), the employer is obliged to have a written OHS Risk Assessment study concerning occupational risks for health and safety, including workers exposed in special hazards during their work. The existence of an OHS Risk Assessment confirms that the employer is fully compliant with the OHS legislation in Greece.

The very small and small-medium enterprises (VSSME) may lack the resources or knowhow needed for the development of an OHS Risk Assessment for their working environment. The Greek sector-specific OiRA Tools and the OHS Help Desk of the Greek Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs aim at supporting all VSSME to overcome those difficulties.

OiRA sectoral tools 

OiRA – Online interactive Risk Assessment – is a web platform that enables the creation of sectoral risk assessment tools in any language in an easy and standardised way (http://www.oiraproject.eu/el). It is developed and maintained by the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work.

The OiRA sectoral tools provided on the OiRA platform are online interactive tools (https://oiraproject.eu/el/oira-tools), which allow and support every employer, Safety Officer or employee to carry out his own OHS Risk Assessment through leveraging the sector-specific standard risk assessment report (meaning the sector-specific OiRA Tool). Click here to follow the available sectoral OiRA Tools in Greece.

Use the sectoral OiRA Tools to develop your OHS Risk Assessment successfully and free of any charge!

The OHS Help Desk is at your service in order to solve inquires and support you both in OHS matters and the easier use of the OiRA Tools.